Steven Pacitti

I keep meaning to write to you to say how great I thought your Christmas show was in Horsham! We first saw you perform at the Partridge Green pre-school Halloween party and thought how good you were with the kids, and so we went to see your Christmas show.
My daughter,xmas 16 who is 2, sat well-behaved for the whole show, fascinated by what was happening and then met you afterwards. I thought it was really well written and although targeted at kids I got the few adult-targeted jokes that children would have missed wink emoticon I thought it came across brilliantly and you’re really good. Move over Mr Tumble!

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If you would like a quote for a party please be sure to include your post code so that we can take travel time and costs into account! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD A REPLY SOON! I SEEM TO END UP IN THOSE A LOT!
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